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Theological Foundations Training

Mission Statement 

Hkristu a Hkum rai nga ai Hpung hpe shagrin jat wa u ga, dai makam masham wenyi su hprang ai hte, Karai Kasang a Kasha a chye chyang ai hpunda hpe dep lu ai hkum tsup re ai hpung masha ni tai na matu.

(Ephesu 4:11-13) 


  • Hpung masha ni chyum laika hte chyum masa ni hpe jaw ai hku sharin hkaja la na matu. 

  • Kung hpan ai Hkristan asak hkrung lam hta hkawm sa chye let, tang du ai sakse hkum kaja tai na matu.

  • Hkalup makam shingdu labau, KBC a makam hkringhtawng hte sasana bungli hpe chyum masa hku chye na myit hkawn na matu. 

  • Nawku hpung a maka shing-yan hpe grau chye na let shang lawm woi awn chye na matu.

Sharin Sara Ni

Srn. Lahtaw Jaw Seng Raw (WTS Professor)

How Came the Bible ​​​​

Rev. Dr. Lagwi Bawm Luk

Introduction to Church Ministry and Administration 

Rev. Chyinghtawng Zau Naw (KTCS Professor)

Christian Discipleship/Spiritual Formation ​

Rev. Dr. Jum Maw San Awng  

Kachin Baptist Heritage ​​​

Rev. Wanghte Zawng Hkawng (KTCS Professor)

Introduction to Old Testament ​​

Srn. Gunhtang Kai Htang (WTS Professor)

Introduction to New Testament ​​

Rev. Dr. Dingrin La Seng

Modern Christianity in America​​

Aten Ladaw: 2 Months

Nhtoi: July 3 – July 28, 2023

Aten: 8:30pm  – 10:30pm (ET)

Shara: Zoom


First Week

Monday (July 3)​​ How Came the Bible ​​

Wednesday (July 5)​​ Introduction to Church Ministry and Administration

Friday​ (July 7)​​​ Christian Discipleship/Spiritual Formation


Second Week

Monday (July 10) ​​Kachin Baptist Heritage  

Wednesday (July 12)​​ Introduction to Old Testament

Friday ​(July 14) ​​Introduction to New Testament  

Saturday (July 15) ​​Modern Christianity in America


Third Week

Monday (July 17) ​​How Came the Bible ​​

Wednesday (July 19) ​​Introduction to Church Ministry and Administration​​

Friday ​(July 21)​​ Christian Discipleship/Spiritual Formation


Fourth Week

Monday (July 24)​​ Kachin Baptist Heritage  

Wednesday (July 26 ) ​​Introduction to Old Testament

Friday ​(July 28) ​​Introduction to New Testament  

Saturday (July 29)​​ Modern Christianity in America

Nhtoi:  July 31 – August 25, 2023

Aten: 8:30pm  – 10:30pm (ET)

Shara: Zoom


First Week

Monday (July 31) ​​How Came the Bible ​

Wednesday (August 2 )​ Introduction to Church Ministry and Administration

Friday​ (August 4) ​​Christian Discipleship/Spiritual Formation


Second Week

 Monday (August 7)​​ Kachin Baptist Heritage  

Wednesday (August 9) ​Introduction to Old Testament

Friday​ (August 11) ​​Introduction to New Testament  

Saturday (August 12)​​ Modern Christianity in America


Third Week

 Monday (August 14)​​ How Came the Bible ​

Wednesday (August 16) ​Introduction to Church Ministry and Administration  

Friday ​(August 18) ​​Christian Discipleship/Spiritual Formation


Fourth Week

 Monday (August 21)​​ Kachin Baptist Heritage  

Wednesday (August 23) ​Introduction to Old Testament

Friday ​(August 25) ​​Introduction to New Testament

Saturday (August 26)​​ Modern Christianity in America

The application must be completed and submitted to the office email address:

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